Cozy up with a delicious Taco Mac and Cheese Bowl or a Taco Dawg! These comforting dishes are perfect for...
Holiday Dawg The holiday vibes aren’t complete until you sink your teeth into our Holiday Dawg! Picture this: a fluffy...
Feast your eyes on the latest delight from the Tasty Dawg kitchen! Our jumbo all-beef dawg is smothered in homemade...
The Tasty Dawg featured specialty dawg for September will send you on a fiery flavor rollercoaster… Prepare your palate for...
We’re proud to unveil our new website: We’ve been working hard behind the scenes for several months to create...
Join the fun as we celebrate 3 years of Tasty Dawg with a Golden Girls twist. Each week in the...
The CAPA Summer Movie Series kicks off July 12 at the Ohio Theater! Explore the complete schedule at and...
Live theatre brings a thrill like nothing else and downtown Columbus is full of amazing shows! We encourage you to...